<!--------' A SCRIPT LANGUAGE tag should be the first item on this page ------->
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<!-- This variable selects a caption and a URL associated with questions. -->
Dim z
<!-- This is a user-written procedure to display the answer popup. -->
Sub Procedure1()
Answers.Visible = True
Answrtxt.Visible = True
ansbar1.Visible = True
If z=1 then answrtxt.Caption = "There are many ways to get sports scores and information on the Internet. You can find major leagues, minor leagues, even Little Leagues. Click here to check current sports news at USA Today."
If z=2 then answrtxt.Caption = "Visit Bill Nye the Science Guy's homepage. Download pictures and sounds from Bill Nye's television show. Click here and you're off. Click on the Back arrow of your browser to return."
If z=3 then answrtxt.Caption = "The Internet is the World's largest library. Check out the MSN homepage and try searching for information on any topic with a search engine such as Lycos or Yahoo. Click here!"
If z=4 then answrtxt.Caption = "There are games for all ages on the Internet. You can play by yourself or with someone far away. Here is a simple game; Mr. Edible Starchy Tuber Head. Click here to try it."
end sub
<!-- Transparent label over signpost graphic linked to Gallery page. -->
Sub gallsign_Click()
Window.location.href = "gallery.htm"
end sub
<!-- Transparent label over signpost graphic linked to Clubhouse page. -->
Sub clubsgn_Click()
Window.location.href = "wclub.htm"
end sub
<!-- Transparent label over signpost graphic linked to Home (Winston) page. -->
Sub homesgn_Click()
Window.location.href = "winston.htm"
end sub
<!-- Label over blackboard linked to popup and external URL. -->
Sub Scienceq_Click()
Call Procedure1()
end sub
<!-- Label over blackboard linked to popup and external URL. -->
Sub hmworkq_Click()
Call Procedure1()
end sub
<!-- Label over blackboard linked to popup and external URL. -->
Sub gamesq_Click()
Call Procedure1()
end sub
<!-- Label over blackboard linked to popup and external URL. -->
Sub sportq_Click()
Call Procedure1()
end sub
<!-- Hotspot that show new face at Mouse Enter and hides it at Mouse Exit. -->
Sub hotface_MouseEnter()
msface.Visible = True
end sub
Sub hotface_MouseExit()
msface.Visible = False
end sub
<!-- Hides the popup components. -->
Sub ansoff1_Click()
ansoff1.Visible = False
Answers.Visible = False
answrtxt.Visible = False
ansbar1.Visible = False
end sub
<!-- Selects correct external URL when the popup is clicked. -->
Sub answrtxt_Click()
If z=1 then Window.location.href = "http://www.usatoday.com/sports/sfront.htm"
If z=2 then Window.location.href = "http://nyelabs.kcts.org/"
If z=3 then Window.location.href = "http://www.msn.com/access/allinone.asp"
If z=4 then Window.location.href = "http://winnie.acsu.buffalo.edu/potatoe"
end sub
<!-- Transparent label shows black over everything label on click event. -->
Sub blackout_Click()
blackout.Visible = False
end sub
<!-- Clicking on the large black label hides it. -->